Category: Buying a house

What to Expect After Closing on Your Mortgage

Congratulations on closing your mortgage! You’ve completed one of the most significant financial transactions of your life. However, the journey doesn’t end at the closing table. Here’s what you can expect after closing on your mortgage: 1. Receiving Your Closing Documents After closing, you will receive a stack of important documents, including: Promissory Note: Your...

Is Mortgage Interest Tax Deductible? Understanding the Mortgage Interest Deduction

In the United States, the interest paid on a mortgage for a primary residence or a second home is generally tax-deductible. This is known as the mortgage interest deduction. Let’s explore the key points about this valuable tax benefit and how you can calculate your savings. In the United States, the interest paid on a...

Loan Disclosed: Understanding This Key Loan Stage

When your loan officer informs you that your mortgage loan is “disclosed” and you need to sign it, the lender has prepared and provided you with the initial loan disclosure documents. These documents outline the terms, conditions, costs, and other crucial details of your mortgage loan. Signing these documents is a vital step in the...

Loan Submitted to Underwriting: Understanding This Crucial Loan Stage

When your mortgage application is “submitted to underwriting,” it signifies that your lender has forwarded your application and all supporting documents to the underwriter. The underwriter is a key decision-maker in the loan approval process, assessing the risk of lending you money for a mortgage and determining if you meet the lender’s requirements. Here’s what...

Cleared to Close: What It Means and What to Expect

When you are “cleared to close” on your mortgage, the lender has reviewed all required documentation, completed all necessary underwriting, and fully approved your mortgage application. This final approval means you have met all conditions and requirements, and the lender is ready to finalize the loan process. Here’s what being “cleared to close” entails and...

Approved with Conditions: Understanding This Critical Loan Stage

Navigating the mortgage approval process can be complex, and one term you might encounter is “approved with conditions.” This stage means the lender has tentatively agreed to grant you the loan, provided you meet certain additional requirements. Let’s dive into what this means and what you need to do to move forward. What Does “Approved...

DSCR Loans: Understanding Debt Service Coverage Ratio Loans

A DSCR loan, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan, is a vital tool in investment property financing. This blog post delves into DSCR loans, how they work, and why they might be the right choice for you. What is a DSCR Loan? A DSCR loan measures a property’s ability to generate enough income to cover...

Understanding the Mortgage Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understanding the mortgage process is crucial for prospective homeowners. This guide outlines the critical stages in obtaining a mortgage, from initial application to closing, clarifying what to expect at each step. Loan Disclosed When your loan officer tells you that your mortgage loan is “disclosed,” the lender has prepared and provided you with the initial...

Tenancy Types

As you approach the significant milestone of closing on your property, it’s crucial to make informed decisions about the type of tenancy or ownership structure that best suits your needs and circumstances. Joint Tenancy: The property is owned equally by each person on title. When any owner dies, their interest passes to the surviving co-owners...

Trigger Leads

Have you experienced a sudden increase in phone calls or junk mail from various lenders after applying for credit or insurance? It can feel like an invasion of privacy when companies you haven’t contacted seem to know about your recent application. This surge in solicitations is often due to a practice called “trigger leads”. Trigger...

Loan Officer: Why You Need an Expert

In the intricate realm of real estate and mortgage transactions, the role of a Realtor Mortgage Loan Originator (Realtor MLO) emerges as a beacon of expertise and guidance. These professionals not only bridge the gap between your real estate aspirations and mortgage financing but also bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that can elevate...

Understanding Mortgage Rates

Securing a mortgage is a pivotal financial decision, and the mortgage rate you obtain can significantly impact your financial well-being over the life of your loan. To embark on this journey with confidence and make well-informed decisions, it’s crucial to delve deep into the intricacies of mortgage rates. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the...

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Are you ready to experience the UnrealFi difference?

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